Monday, November 24, 2008

Giving Thanks

On Friday we had an amazing time with the students and families from Lighthouse and Pinnacle. We met in our groups that had made placemats on Monday, and together we "broke bread" and shared the different things in our life that we are thankful for. After thirty minutes in our classroom we headed down to the cafeteria for our Thanksgiving lunch. It was so wonderful to walk into the cafeteria and see tablecloths on all of the tables! We sat in the same groups that we had been in for making placemats and breaking bread. The cafeteria was abuzz with families and friends sharing a great meal together. Middle school students helped throughout the process. What a wonderful time!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The smell of bread baking...

Is there anything as wonderful as the smell of bread baking? (...maybe the smell of chocolate chip cookies baking...) We have been baking bread in our classrooms to prepare for the "breaking of bread" with our friends in Lighthouse on Friday. Students have been working in mixed team/mixed grade groups to making placemats to show what they are thankful for this holiday season. I am thankful for this wonderful group of families, professionals, and children that I work with that helped bring us altogether to celebrate the season.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Connecting Reading and Writing

As part of our kick-off to our new Writer's Workshop Unit "Small Moments," we did a great project during Reader's Workshop on Wednesday morning. In pairs, students read a book and together discussed where the small moment was in the story. Students then wrote or drew their interpretation of the small moment. After kids were finished we met on the rug and made a list of all of the different small moments that they had read about. The list included a thunderstorm, a summer day, waking up, playing on a playground, going on an errand at the store, getting a puppy, and going camping. I asked students to look at the list and tell me what they noticed. It didn't take long for kids to realize that all of the things on the list were events that happened to people. This provided me with a great way to explain what personal narrative, or small moment writing is. Notice the books on Shelfari to see which books we read!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Welcome to our class blog! As part of our Professional Development Plan this year, teachers are learning how to use technology to communicate with families. Through this blog the students and I will be able to share information with you regarding our schedule, units of study, and upcoming events. We are looking forward to using this new technological tool!