- Describe the life cycle that is in this story.
- Tell about a tradition that you and your family have at this time of year.
- Explain what Tim did that was generous.
- If you have time, draw your favorite pumpkin face in Paint and save it in our file.
9 years ago
He put a pumpkin in his gardin.
Then next year a sprout came.
Then vines came.then finally the
pumpkin came.
I go to my grandma.
He gave all His pumpkin away but one.
1)The life cycle in the was pumkin to jack,o lantrn to rot,id pumkin to new pumkin.2)My famly carvs pumkins like Tim.3)Tim gave away alot of pumkins to other peple.
in the beggining of the book he made a jackalanternn and he called it Jack and he put it on his berroe in his room and a few weeks it was beggining to rot and "melt". then his mom said to put it out side because it was rotting and the next morning it was gone and the next moring he saw a thing growing out of where the jackalantern was. then he saw that there was some pumkins groing where he put jack the jackalantern was and the reason why there was pumkins there was because there was pumkin seeds on the ground where the pumkin was because when the pukin rotted the seeds fell out thats why there was pumkins starting to grow. Then tim the boy who named jack the jackalantern then he gave all of the pumkins away exseped for one and then he carved it and said welcome home there is a lot more details in the book but i gave you most of the details.
1. Tells the life of Jack the pumpkin from jackolantern to seed to plant and new pumpkins!
2. Tim gave away all the pumpkins except one
we carve pumpkins as a family
the pumkin is first then the seed then the vine then the pumkin.i have a party on 31th of october.
jack-o-lantern to seed to pumpkin again
one of my traditions is getting a pumpkin and carving it. Tim gave everyone in his class a pumpkin.
1.seed plant pumpkin.
2.go trick or treating.
3.he gave some pumpkins away.
1.In the story a boy has a Pumpkin and the next week the pumpkin was groting and his mother told him to go put the pumpkin in the garden. In the early spring he found the lasts of the pumpkin named Jack and he put a litte piece of earth over the last of the pumpkin. Then he checked on the pumpkin in the late spring and he found a litte sprot. He kepted caring for the litte sprot. Then he woke up he saw that the pumpkin plants were started to die. So he started to pick the pumpkins that looked ready to get picked. Then he saw that the pumpkins were ripining. Then he carved the pumpkin that he wanted and said hi Jack.
In the beginning of the story Tim had a pumpkin. He carved it and kept it in his room. It rotted so he put it outside. In the spring it was growing back up. It grew a lot of pumpkins. He was generous when he gave a lot of pumpkins away. He kept one, carved it, and put it in his room. My family goes trick or treating together.
1. you plan the sed and then you woter the sed and then you wet for it to grow and then it ready and then you cov
it and then the pumpkin startid
to rod and then it is a sed agin.
1.frst the pumpkin was prfict
and it rodid and wenit snod
it got smoshd and necst spring
ther was nuthing but scin and seds
the seds got bired and he wodrd the
plant and then it go olurand
1. In the begging of the book there is a boy who had a pumpkin and named it Jack. Then he put it on his dresser in his room. Then a few weeks later his mom said to put in the garbage but Tim the boy who has the pumpkin in his room he brought the pumpkin to the garden that is like a compost pile. then it was winter and Tim forgot about Jack then he found the seeds and he grew some more pumpkins.
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